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Individual Performance Appraisal

Individual Performance Appraisal

Management Structure and Employee Participation

The annual appraisal management and development cycle includes: Management by Objectives and individual development Plan at the beginning of the year, just-in-time progress reporting as well as mentor coaching and feedback, and annual appraisal at the end of the year. During the progress review, both managers and employees can revise and adjust the objective at any time to achieve the goal.

At the beginning of the year / after new employee assessment

Management by Objective (MBO)

The company determines the direction of operations and objectives for the new year. After each functional unit sets the departmental objectives that will help to achieve the company objectives, the tasks will be broken down into individual objectives.

Individual Development Plan (IDP)

Employees are given project assignments based on the job position and work objectives set forth for the year. They can also further discuss the future career development with their managers, confirming that they need additional skills to develop the annual individual development plans.


Immediate progress report from colleagues, and managers provides guidance
1-on-1 conversation: arrange regular meeting

Managers have regular 1-on-1 conversations with their colleagues, and they review and track the performance to see whether improvements are needed. Meanwhile, through the peer feedback, employees could receive constructive comments and complements for good performance, and immediate conseling and assistance to help them get back on the right track.


Annual Appraisal

To achieve the effective implementation of the company's operation objectives, ASUS regularly conducts appraisal which focuses on the review of past performances and areas for improvement. The performance evaluation items also include ASUS's Five Virtues: Humility, Integrity, Diligence, Agility, and Courage. Among them, Integrity includes assessing employees' compliance with our code of conduct. This process will help employees in setting their targets for the next stage for development. The appraisal results are used as a basis for promotion, competency development and bonus. For those whose performance did not meet expectations, ASUS provides performance improvement plans and adjusts the work according to the situation of the employees when necessary.

The Human Resources department also takes care of and assists employees who are still unable to improve their performance. After sufficient communication, the personnel placement is implemented. In addition to providing severance pay in accordance with relevant laws, we also offer resources such as career development consultation or job transfer to external entities.

Please click HERE for the statistic of Annual Appraisal in 2023.

Next year

New Management Objective
New Individual Development plan