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Communication Transparency

Communication Transparency

Open Communication

ASUS continues to actively expand diversified communication channels to enhance employee relations. By holding regular communication activities, employee opinion mailbox and employee engagement surveys, we build the transparent communication between ASUS and employees, and their suggestions are used as the driving force for improvements to safeguard the rights and interests of each employee.


Senior Manager

Internal Communication Channel

Two-Way Communication

CEO On-Live, CEO Afternoon
Tea, ASUS DNA Story, Internal
communication meeting

  • Communicate major issues internally, convey the company's vision and corporate culture
  • Employees could fully express their opinions
Employee Caring Hotline

Internal and external Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Hotline, Employee Caring Website

  • Assist employees in work, life and health related issues
Employee Grievance Channel

Personnel Management System, Whistle-blowing Mailbox, Employee Opinion Mailbox, Hotline and Mailbox for Complaints of Unlawful Infringement in the Workplace

  • Talk about the company's system, management measures and specfic issues
Labor-Management Council

Labor and Safety Committee, Occupational Safety and Health Committee, union meeting

  • Discuss labor conditions, build the harmonious labor relations
  • Regular quarterly/monthly meetings
Employee Engagement Survey

Delivered by a designated agency Willis Towers Watson to employees in the Headquarters in 2022

  • In-depth understanding of employees' real work experience
Prevention of Workplace Sexual Harassment

Employee Caring Website, ASUSchool Learning Platform

  • Delivery courses on the prevention of workplace violence and sexual harassment

Employee Opinion Survey

ASUS implemented the Employee Engagement Survey for the first time in 2022, which was conducted by Willis Towers Watson. Through a "systematic and data-based" approach, we can truly understand the real work experience of our employees, identify the company's strengths and opportunities, and use the survey results to develop action plans that are expected to effectively enhance the engagement of our sustainable employees. The 2022 employee engagement survey included all employees in Taiwan headquarters (8,106), with a valid response rate of 80% (6,485). From the results, we found that the company’s strengths (analyzed by using the Willis Towers Watson Taiwan High-Tech Model and the Taiwan Model as the main benchmarks, and the Global High-Tech Model as a secondary benchmark): employees agreed that ASUS is a good company to work for; in terms of diversity and inclusion, most employees agreed that the company supports a diverse workplace and can express their opinions openly and honestly within the company.

In 2023, based on employee feedback surveys, ASUS formulated several initiatives to strengthen employees' confidence in the decision-making of the Company's core leadership and to reinforce corporate culture and values. These initiatives included the review of senior executive reports, holding consensus meetings between managers and employees, and enhancing key annual priorities based on feedback from each unit. Additionally, remuneration and benefits were adjusted according to market trends, aiming to effectively boost sustainable employee engagement.

Based on the survey results, ASUS also launched an action plan to strengthen employees' confidence in decision making and implementation of values, and to adjust compensation and benefit programs

  • Establish a smooth two-way communication mechanism within the company to enhance the understanding and confidence of employees in the decision-making process.
  • Set clear values and encourage all supervisors to lead by example in their daily work to implement the company's values.
  • In terms of compensataion and benefits, the salary structure of some basic/junior employees was adjusted from a variable salary basis to a fixed salary basis, and the monthly disposable salary was increased to facilitate more effective use by employees.
  • Implement Employee Stock Ownership Trust and Hybrid Work Model for some staff in 2023 to enhance staff motivation and happiness.