ASUS Ranked Top 3 in “Annual Report on 2023 Extended Producer Responsibility for Electrical and Electronic Equipment Industry in China” for Three Consecutive Years | Latest Information | ASUS ESG website, ASUS ESG goal

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ASUS Ranked Top 3 in “Annual Report on 2023 Extended Producer Responsibility for Electrical and Electronic Equipment Industry in China” for Three Consecutive Years

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ASUS was once again recognized for its performance in circular economy practices. ASUS ranked second place in "Annual Report on 2023 EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) for EEE (Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Industry in China". This signified ASUS' consistent presence among the top three in the annual report for three consecutive years.

"Annual Report on 2023 EPR for EEE Industry in China" is a collaborative effort between the China Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute and Peking University. It evaluated companies based on the indicators outlined in the "Specification for Information Disclosure for Extended Producer Responsibility of Electric and Electronic Producers."   The report focused on the information disclosure by enterprises in EEE industry, covering 7 assessment dimensions: ecological design, procurement, manufacturing, transportation and sales, usage and maintenance, recycling and reuse, and other information, totaling 32 indicators. Apple ranked the first place, with ASUS and HP (China) jointly ranked the second place in 2023. Other companies on the list included Lenovo Group, Acer, and Samsung (China).

ASUS excelled by transparently disclosing the eco-friendly design throughout the product lifecycle, supply chain carbon reduction information, and outlined directions for circular economy of each stage in the sustainability report.  The overall enterprise evaluation results in 2023 indicated that the completeness of disclosures related to producer responsibility  has improved, particularly in the areas of manufacturing, procurement, usage and maintenance, and ecological design. Compared to the categories above, transportation and sales, as well as recycling and reuse were relatively weak.

Furthermore, in the detailed content, most enterprises have made significant improvements in the use of recycled materials, disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions, and recycling processing. Over 70% of enterprises provided detailed and future directions regarding energy consumption in production, energy efficiency for products, environmental design, greenhouse gas emissions, the use of clean energy, and hazardous waste management. However, the aspects of labeling for easy recycling and providing disassembly instructions still needed improvement.


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