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ASUS Wins International SEAL Sustainability Award for Environmental Initiatives

ASUS upholds its sustainability strategy " Using Digitized Data and Scientific Management Practices to Support Sustainable Value Creation through Core Competencies", continuously working on carbon management and environmental management issues. In 2024, the company was honored with the SEA...

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Eco Labels in Sustainable ASUS Products

Eco labels help customers identify products that are environmentally friendly. They indicate a product’s qualifications for stricter environmental standards that exceed basic requirements regulated by law. This helps customers make confident decisions when choosing a product designed with ec...

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Internal Carbon Pricing: A Critical Tool for Businesses to Achieve Net Zero Emissions

Climate change is a significant challenge facing the world, and the root cause is the warming effect caused by the continuous increase in greenhouse gas emissions from fuel energy uses. As one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions, businesses should play an indispensable role in global c...

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ASUS Showcases Climate Leadership, Ranking 24th in the Clean200 and Earning Leadership Rating in CDP Reports

Achievements reflect ASUS’s dedication to eco-friendly innovation and environmental stewardship in combating climate change KEY POINTS ASUS ranked 24th in the 2024 Clean200 index and was recognized for its clean revenue growth driven by eco-friendly solutions and practices ...

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Circular Transition Indicators Case Study

“At ASUS, we advocate that sustainability performance should involve strategic indicators that can be objectively measured. Every decision-making process needs to incorporate environmental and social factors to help keep our competitive advantage focused on sustainability. This is consistent w...

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Design Low-Carbon Products by Incorporating Circular Economy Principles

26% reduction in Scope 3 emissions associated with use of sold products. 25% increase in environmentally friendly materials. Summary Design low carbon products by incorporating circular economy principles into product design focusing on eco-friendly materials & ene...

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ASUS Ranked Top 3 in “Annual Report on 2023 Extended Producer Responsibility for Electrical and Electronic Equipment Industry in China” for Three Consecutive Years

ASUS was once again recognized for its performance in circular economy practices. ASUS ranked second place in "Annual Report on 2023 EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) for EEE (Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Industry in China". This signified ASUS' consistent presence among t...

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ASUS Takes Climate Action to Build an Incredible, Sustainable Future

The escalating impact of the ongoing climate crisis is becoming increasingly hard to ignore. That is why it is crucial for companies to acknowledge that sustainability transformation and evolution should now be a key component of their business. At ASUS, we have long believed that innovation i...

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ASUS Near-term Science-based Emissions Reduction Targets Validated by SBTi

Achievements reflect ASUS’s dedication to eco-friendly innovation and environmental stewardship in combating climate change KEY POINTS ASUS ranked 24th in the 2024 Clean200 index and was recognized for its clean revenue growth driven by eco-friendly solutions and practices ...

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